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Bye-bye, boring birthdays!

So, you’re the parent of an elementary school-aged child. Another birthday is looming, and you’re desperate for ideas. You’ve seen it all, and done it all. Jumpy house birthdays. Picnic birthdays. Trampoline birthdays, acro birthdays, bowling birthdays.

Feels like everyone is recycling the same, stale birthday parties, right?

The Color Games
A one-of-a-kind birthday adventure, customized to your child and their friends.

What are the Color Games?

It’s a team-based athletic and academic competition. A birthday party solution that’s turnkey, while also completely customized to your child and their peer group.

The Color Games experience is rooted in four core principles:

  • Birthdays should be unforgettable.

  • Every child is unique, and their birthday celebration should be, too.

  • Kids should be given every opportunity to experience leadership, teamwork, and the joy of competition.

  • Birthdays are a celebration of life. Therefore, they should be a total sensory experience, combining color, music, movement, learning, and radical creativity.

History of The Color Games

The Color Games were imagined by a Dad who loves his children, and wants them to live their best lives.

All of us parents experience the struggles and joys of parenthood. We want to see our children thrive in an unpredictable and hyper-competitive world. We want our children to be happier and more successful than ourselves. We understand that childhood is fleeting, and we want to mark time with indelible and meaningful family experiences.

The Color Games draws on the best things about childhood. It allows children to experience risk and reward, winning and losing, achieving goals as an individual - and as part of a team. All in a games-based, supportive, structured environment.

It draws inspiration from multiple sources, including The Olympics, summer camps, board games, multiple sports, and yes, even Navy SEAL training.

Since the founder of The Color Games is an educator and a photographer, the experience is designed to be a rich visual tapestry for both kids and spectators.

How Does It Work?

  • The event is completely turnkey. We provide organization, itinerary, props, materials, music and prizes.

  • You only need to do three things:

    • Handle your RSVP’s (and organize catering/potluck)

    • Rent suitable park or field space

    • Dress your kids (and yourselves) in the spirit of the games

  • We will provide invitation templates, organize the teams, and fully run the event. (Generally we ask for parents or older sibling volunteers to be chaperones for each team.)

  • The Color Games is best suited to elementary school-aged children, between 5 - 10 years of age.

  • "These games were so inspiring, engaging, team building and fun. What an incredible program! Kids were so happy, better than hundreds of cakes! What an unforgettable experience for kids and adults! Thank you from all of us."

    – Arkady

  • "It was an incredible and unforgettable birthday!"

    – Dina

Book your Color Games birthday party today!